送走过多少代需要摆渡过河的人生。从这里,通向彼岸,通向幸福诱惑的彼岸,理想闪光的彼岸。彼岸,永远飘扬着令人向往的魅力的旗帜。多少年前,它只有一叶扁舟——一根篙竿、两片木桨,载着人们的希望穿过惊涛骇浪;而今,它已是汽轮来往穿梭的大码头。但仍然摆渡着一代代需要过河的人生。岷江的渡口繁忙拥挤,对面,是施展智慧才干的烟囱林立的彼岸: 大渡河的渡口惊险陡峭,对面,是大展宏图的星光满天、灯火遍地的彼岸; 青衣江的渡口幽美恬静,对面,是壮志凌云的茶林、桑林、果林重重叠叠的彼岸。创业者、建设者、开拓者向往的彼岸啊,连空气也散发着劳动的欢愉和热汗的芬芳;
Sent for generations how to ride across the river life. From here, leading to the other side, the other side leads to the temptation of happiness, the ideal flash of the other side. The other side, always flying with the longing charm of the banner. Some years ago, it had only a leaf boat - a pole, two wooden paddles, carrying people’s hopes through the stormy sea; now, it is the large pier that the steamship travels between. But still live a life of need across the river from generation to generation. Minjiang River ferry busy crowded across from the display of wisdom is the chimney of the other side: the ferry across the Dadu steep, across the street from the stars of the grandiose ambitious, lights over the other side of the Qinghai River ferry quiet and quiet, opposite, Is the best Linglin tea, mulberry, fruit forest overwhelmed by the other side. Entrepreneurs, builders, pioneers aspire to the other side, even the air exudes the joy of work and the warm sweat fragrance;