我准备谈两个问题,一是创造特区新优势的必要性和可能性;二是如何创造特区新优势,其指导思想是什么。 首先我觉得特区在一个相当长的历史时期,都应该“特”下去。由于各种主客观原因,原来“特”的地方现在不“特”了,这正好说明特区有成绩,把全国带动起来了,因而自己显得不那么“特”了。今后还要不要“特”下去呢,我想是要的,这必要性在什么地方呢?主要有两点:1、建立社会主义市场经济体制是一个长期的、曲折的过程;2、在这样一个长期、曲折的过程中,依然需要特区率先进行试验。从这两点考
I am going to talk about two issues. One is the necessity and possibility of creating new advantages in the SAR. The other is how to create the new advantages of the SAR. What is its guiding principle? First of all, I think the SAR should be “very special” in a fairly long historical period. Due to various subjective and objective reasons, the original “special” places are not “special” now. This shows that there are achievements in the SAR and it has brought the whole country together. Therefore, it is not so “special” for itself. What are the necessities? There are two main points: 1. The establishment of a socialist market economic system is a long-term and tortuous process. 2. In this way, A long-term and tortuous process still requires the SAR to take the lead in conducting tests. From these two points test