农作物冠层光谱是植物冠层光谱与周围环境光谱的混合光谱。利用北京小汤山地区的冬小麦在2001年4~5月生长期内的土壤含水量和冬小麦波谱观测数据,以及北京海淀区的夏玉米在2003年7~9月生长期内的LAI和夏玉米波谱观测数据,分析了在不同生育时期条件下,典型农作物(如冬小麦,夏玉米)的波谱数据与主要环境要素之间的相互关系。结果表明:在夏玉米抽丝期前叶面积指数与冠层光谱反射率相关性较差,而在抽丝期后相关性较好;冬小麦的苗期土壤含水量与冠层光谱在近红外波段相关系数较高,并在1 360~1 380 nm拟合得出方程。经检验,在α=0.01水平下是显著的。
Crop canopy spectrum is a mixed spectrum of plant canopy spectrum with the surrounding environment. Based on the data of soil moisture content and winter wheat spectrum of winter wheat from Xiaotangshan in Beijing from April to May in 2001 and the LAI and summer maize spectra of summer maize in Haidian, Beijing from July to September in 2003 Observational data were used to analyze the relationship between the spectral data and the main environmental factors of typical crops (such as winter wheat and summer maize) under different growth stages. The results showed that there was a low correlation between leaf area index and canopy spectral reflectance before summer spinning, but a good correlation after the spinning stage. Soil water content at seedling stage and canopy spectral reflectance The correlation coefficient is high and the equation is fitted at 1 360 ~ 1 380 nm. Tested to be significant at a = 0.01 level.