Effective capacity of delay quality-of-service constrained spectrum sharing cognitive radio with out

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiao8910
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In this paper,we consider a spectrum sharing cognitive radio network coexisting with a primary network.Particularly,the channel state information(CSI) between the secondary transmitter and the primary receiver is assumed to be outdated due to channel feedback latency.The secondary user(SU) is assumed to satisfy a given delay quality-of-service(QoS) constraint as well as the average interference power constraint.We aim to derive the maximum arrival rate of the SU under aforementioned constraints with the outdated CSI.In this respect,we derive the optimal power allocation to achieve the maximum effective capacity,and further derive the effective capacity.The closed-form expressions for the lower and upper bounds on the effective capacity are also derived.In addition,we obtain the effective capacities under two widely adopted adaptive transmission schemes,i.e.,optimal power and rate allocation(OPRA) and truncated channel inversion with fixed rate(TIFR).Numerical results are conducted to corroborate our studies.It is shown that the effective capacities of the SU under various transmission schemes are insensitive to the channel correlation coefficient especially under low channel correlation coefficient.It is also shown that the lower and upper bounds on the effective capacity are significantly tight under stringent delay QoS constraint. In this paper, we consider a spectrum sharing cognitive radio network coexisting with a primary network. Particularly, the channel state information (CSI) between the secondary transmitter and the primary receiver is assumed to be outdated due to channel feedback latency. The secondary user ( SU) is assumed to satisfy a given delay quality-of-service (QoS) constraint as well as the average interference power constraint. We aim to derive the maximum arrival rate of the SU underSION constraints with the outdated CSI. In this respect, we derive the optimal power allocation to achieve the maximum effective capacity, and further derive the effective capacity. The closed-form expressions for the lower and upper bounds on the effective capacity are also derived. adapted adaptive transmission schemes, ie, optimal power and rate allocation (OPRA) and truncated channel inversion with fixed rate (TIFR) .Numerical results are conducted to c orroborate our studies. It is shown that the effective capacities of the SU under various transmission schemes are insensitive to the channel correlation coefficient especially under low channel correlation coefficient. It is also shown that the lower and upper bounds on the effective capacity are significantly tight under. stringent delay QoS constraint.
摘 要: 初中语文教学生活化,可以使语文教学在社会生活的大背景下,推动素质教育目标的实现,促进学生的全面发展。那么,如何在初中语文教学中进行生活化教学呢?作者结合教学实践,作了如下方面的探究。  关键词: 初中语文 生活化教学 教学研究  在语文教学中渗透学生的生活,走语文教学生活化的道路,让语文教学回归生活,应该是语文教学的返璞归真。新教材中的每篇课文、每个练习、每篇习作都与生活紧密相连,课堂教
摘 要: 对于初中语文教师和学生来说,初中是一个新的起点,也是一个奠定语文基础的阶段。如何创新初中语言教学,促使初中生学好语文,是当前中学教师必须解决的一个重要问题。作者结合教学实践,对初中语文教学的创新提出建议。  关键词: 初中语文 教学创新 教学建议  课程改革的核心环节是课程实施,课程实施的基本途径是课堂教学。在教学过程中,要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,引
新教学理念认为,课程是教师、学生、教材、环境四个因素的整合。教学是一种对话、一种沟通、一种合作共建,这样的教学所蕴涵的课堂文化,有鲜明的和谐、民主、平等特色。那么,在教与学的交互活动中,如何培养学生自主学习、探究学习和合作学习的习惯,提高他们独立思考、创新思维的能力,成为新课程理念下进行小学语文教学的关键所在。下面我结合个人教学实践,从教师、学生、教材、环境四个方面说说自己的一些观点。  一、教师
摘 要: 文章阐述了针对儿童的年龄特点,应如何在新课程改革下学习古诗文独特的表现形式和丰富内涵。对于作为中华语言文学精华的古诗,仅仅用文字解释其含义显然是远远不够的,在理解古诗文字面意义的同时,通过体味韵律美、领略意境美、体验情感美、领悟哲理美,使学生真正体会到其丰富的内涵,受到中国传统文化的熏陶和感染,从而提高学生的语文素养及综合素质。  关键词: 小学语文 古诗教学 教学方法  古诗是中国灿烂
摘 要: 在现阶段的课程改革中,农村学校对于语文综合性学习有一定的涉及,但在具体落实中存在一定的局限或偏颇,以至于有效性不够明显,作者对此进行了分析探究。  关键词: 农村小学 语文教学 综合性学习  “大力构建开放性的语文课堂,应从实际出发,面向全体,应拓宽语文学习和运用的领域……初步获得现代社会所需要的语文实践能力”,这是新课标中的一段描述。在这一理念的指导下,一种相对独立的语文教学形态——语
摘 要: 新课标理念对各个学科提出了新的具体的要求。随着教育改革的深化和素质教育的推行,课堂改革已经成为教学研究的热门话题,学校质量提高的关键在于构建高效课堂,所谓高效课堂,就是以尽可能少的时间和精力物力的投入,最大限度地发挥课堂教学的作用,取得良好的教学效果。教学的主阵地是课堂,要让学生在语文课上学到更多的知识,构建小语文高效课堂就显得尤为重要。教师要针对目前小学语文课堂上的现象和问题提出有效的
摘 要: 当今是一个信息化时代,这就要求教师抓住最恰当的时机,把多媒体带入课堂教学中。多媒体的特点是生动、直观,它可以创设情境,消除学生听课时的枯燥感和疲劳感;可以激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,达到寓教于乐、寓学于乐的目的。多媒体课件,把课文中较难理解的内容生动形象地展现出来,可以达到事半功倍的效果。在某些作文教学中,教师也可以适时地运用多媒体,帮助学生打开思路,激发学生兴趣。  关键词: 小学语文教