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在平时的教学中有的教师可能用过“学完了地理位置,接下来我们就来学习地形”“刚才我们学习的是地理的位置,下面我们接着学习气候的特征”这一类的话来衔接各个教学环节。以这种方式让教学过渡到下一个知识点,由于缺乏教学过渡的艺术性,很容易造成各知识内容的脱节,学生的思维也会失去连续性。所以,通过地理教学实践,从以下三个方面谈谈课堂过渡语的作用和应用。 In the usual teaching, some teachers may have used “to learn the geographical location, then we will learn the terrain.” “We just learned the geographical location, and then we learn the characteristics of the climate ” This category Words to link all aspects of teaching. In this way to make the transition to the next point of knowledge, due to the lack of artistic transition of teaching, it is easy to cause the disjunction of knowledge content, the thinking of students will lose continuity. Therefore, through the practice of geography teaching, we can talk about the function and application of classroom transitional language from the following three aspects.
中国加入 WTO 已经过三年了。WTO(经济的全球化),使人类社会面临又一次生产方式、生活方式、思维方式的历史性变革。中国加入 WTO 后,不可避免地对现有的税收理论、税收制度