【摘 要】
四个好朋友在周末一起玩彩弹游戏.你能分辨出谁穿了什么颜色的衣服,用了什么颜色的彩弹吗?rnDuring a crazy weekend, four friends were having great fun with paintball.
四个好朋友在周末一起玩彩弹游戏.你能分辨出谁穿了什么颜色的衣服,用了什么颜色的彩弹吗?rnDuring a crazy weekend, four friends were having great fun with paintball. The paint came in blue, green, yellow and red.
It was a bright moonlit night. All the animals in the farm were sleeping.rnExcept Tinku!rn“I'm not sleepy, Ma.”rnBut Ma did not hear him. She was fast asleep
It was Kim's first trip by airplane. He was frightened and nervous.As the engines began to roar, he gripped the arms of his seat, closed his eyes, and counted t
School meals are generally unpopular with those who have to eat them.rn“What kind of pie do you call this?”asked one student angrily.
2009年6月,随着Glory Mall国瑞购物中心的开业,京城中又多了一家与地铁无缝衔接的购物中心,同时,也使崇文门商圈的业态变得更加丰富。H&M、C&A、MUJI等北京地区鲜见的品牌都
It's tough being the new kid in a crowd. You want to be accepted. You want to be liked. What can you do to make friends? Be friendly! Here's how.
箱龟拥有可以摺合的腹甲.当它们完全缩入壳中时,整个外观犹如一个密封的箱子或盒子,这就是箱龟之名的由来.rnMy name is Albert, and I am a box tur?tle. I am very special