以松辽盆地三肇凹陷扶杨油层和渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷中浅层为例,对油气垂向和侧向倒灌运移条件及聚集规律的差异性进行研究.在系统阐述油气侧向倒灌运移所需条件和聚集规律的基础上,从油气运移所需动力条件和聚集分布部位上探讨了二者的差异性.研究结果表明:油气垂向和侧向倒灌运移所需条件不同,油气垂向倒灌运移所需条件是上覆源岩具有超压和发育输导断裂,三肇凹陷青一段源岩古超压约为5 MPa,大于所有遇到的各种阻力之和,且发育有大量SN向展布、断裂密度为0.5~1.8条/km的输导断裂;而油气侧向倒灌运移条件是受到上覆区域性盖层的阻挡,油气不能通过断裂穿过区域性盖层向上运移.垂向和侧向倒灌运移油气聚集规律也不同,垂向倒灌运移油气聚集从上至下逐渐减小,主要聚集在顶部储层中,而侧向倒灌运移油气则主要聚集在区域性盖层之下高的砂地比地层中;垂向倒灌运移油气主要聚集在输导断裂下盘,而侧向倒灌运移油气则主要聚集在输导断裂上盘.
Taking the Fuyang oil layer of Sanzhao depression in Songliao basin and the middle and shallow layers of Nanpu depression in Bohaiwan basin as an example, the differences of vertical and lateral inversion migration and accumulation of oil and gas are studied in this paper. Based on the necessary conditions for migration and accumulation, the differences between the two are discussed from the dynamic conditions and the distribution of the oil and gas migration.The results show that the conditions required for oil and gas vertical and lateral inversion are different The conditions required for the vertical inversion of hydrocarbon migration are that the overlying source rocks have overpressure and developed transport faults, and the overpressure of the source rocks of the Qingyuan source rocks in the Sanzhao depression is about 5 MPa, which is greater than the sum of all the resistances encountered. And a large number of faults with SN spreading and fracture densities of 0.5-1.8 km / km are developed. Lateral inversion and migration of oil and gas are blocked by overlying cap rocks, and oil and gas can not penetrate through the regional The cap rocks migrate upwards, and the vertical and lateral inversions have different accumulations of oil and gas. Vertical oil accumulation decreases gradually from top to bottom and mainly accumulates in the top reservoirs, The main accumulation of sand below the regional cap rock Than the formation; hydrocarbon migration downward vertical transporting mainly gathered in the rupture disk, but lateral migration downward mainly gathered in the hydrocarbon transporting rupture disc.