Arbitration is a just, fast and low-cost dispute resolution method between negotiation and litigation. The Arbitration Law of 1961 in Ghana constitutes the core of the domestic legal system of arbitration, in which the provisions on the right of the court to intervene in arbitration activities are adapted to the needs of arbitration. The courts in Ghana have extensive powers of intervention in arbitration activities, which are mainly manifested in the support and supervision of arbitration activities, including the right to suspend litigation to arbitrate cases, the right to decide on specific cases, the right to rebut arbitration, and the arbitration The right of arbitration of the award, and the appointment and removal of arbitrators during the arbitration. On the one hand, the intervention power of the courts in Ghana embodies the court’s support for arbitration, on the other hand, it also has the tendency of over-intervention of authority and authority, and faces the challenge of reform and improvement.