This paper focuses on the use of coal quality data to discuss the age of fault formation in the Tengnan coalfield in Shandong Province. Tengnan coalfield is part of the eastern extension of the Kunlun-Qinling westerly tectonic belt and belongs to the Carboniferous-Permian coalfield. There are currently two opinions about the age of fault formation: one is that the north-south fault is earlier than the east-west fault and the other is that the east-west fault should be earlier than the north-south fault. We studied the volatile content of the main coal seams in the Tengnan coal field, calculated the metamorphic gradients based on the volatiles values, and mapped the metamorphic surfaces with the metamorphic gradients. We found that the metamorphic surfaces have certain regularities both in the cross section and in the plane. In the section, the metamorphic surface is approximately parallel to the coal seam, and is continuous with the east-west fault. The fault is staggered to some extent in the north-south fault plane. On the plane, the isoplasmic line is basically parallel to the coal seam strike line, The relative time relationship with the occurrence of faults further demonstrates the age of fault formation. To understand the formation of the Tengnan coalfield era, which further predicts the exploration of Luxi overburden Carboniferous Permian coalfield is of great significance.