五莲县是山东省果品生产的重点县之一 ,近年来 ,为提高果品产量和品质 ,在生产上推行主干环剥技术 ,结果造成树势严重衰弱 ,致使苹果烂果病 (炭疽病、轮纹病 )、落叶病及梨黑星病、褐斑病、黑斑病的发生与为害比较严重。为此 ,我们于 1 997~ 1 999年对国内新产的几种杀菌剂进
Wulian County is one of the key counties for fruit production in Shandong Province. In recent years, in order to improve the output and quality of fruit products, the main girdling technique has been implemented in production. As a result, the tree vigor is severely weakened, resulting in apple rot disease (anthrax, Sickle), deciduous and pear scab, brown spot, black spot disease and damage more serious. To this end, we in 1997 ~ 1 999 new domestic production of several fungicides into