朱舜水 (16 0 0 - 16 82 ) ,名之瑜 ,字楚屿 (在海外改为鲁屿 ) ,号舜水 ,浙江余姚人 ,借籍松江。他作为近世的启蒙思想家、朴素唯物论者 ,在中国的学术史上也有着一定的地位 ;然而 ,在日本的影响却远比在国内更为重要和深远 ,特别是对日本的教育以及社会思想文化发展方面有着杰出的贡献。在纪念朱舜水诞辰 40 0周年之际 ,拙文拟回顾以往的研究成果、展望进入 2 1世纪后应该拓展的研究课题、进而阐说朱舜水研究所具有的重要现实意义
Zhu Shunsui (16 0 0 - 16 82), the name of Yu, the word Chu Island (overseas to Lu Island), No. Shun water, Zhejiang Yuyao people, borrowing Songjiang. As a modern enlightenment thinker and a simple materialist, he also has a certain status in the academic history of China. However, his influence in Japan is far more important and far-reaching than that in China, especially his education in Japan and social ideology and culture The development has an outstanding contribution. In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Zhu Shunshui’s birth, Zhuo Wen would like to review the previous research findings and look into the research topics that should be expanded after the 21st century, and then elucidate the important practical significance Zhu Shunshui Institute has