Mineral Chemistry Indicates the Petrogenesis of Rhyolite From The Southwestern Okinawa Trough

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanjie51
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To reveal the petrogenesis of rhyolite from the southwestern Okinawa Trough, the mineral chemistry of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, amphibole, quartz and Fe-Ti oxide phenocrysts were analyzed using an electron microprobe, and in suit Sr and Ba contents of plagioclase analysed by LA-ICPMS were chosen for fingerprinting plagioclases of different provenances. Results indicate an overall homogeneous composition for each of the mineral phases except for plagioclase phenocrysts which have a wide range of composition(An=39~88). Plagioclase crystals characterized by An contents of >70 are not in equilibrium with their whole-rock compositions, and coarse-sieved plagioclase phenocryst interiors record high An contents(>70) and Sr/Ba ratios(>7), which are similar to the those of plagioclase crystals in basalt. Therefore, these crystals must have been introduced to the rhyolitic magma from a more mafic source. Equilibrium temperatures estimated using orthopyroxene-liquid, iron–titanium oxide, titanium-in-quartz and amphibole geothermometers show consistent values ranging from 792 to 869℃. The equilibrium pressure calculated using amphibole compositions is close to 121 MPa which corresponds to an approximate depth of 4 km. The fO_2 conditions estimated from Fe-Ti oxides and amphiboles plot slightly above the NNO buffer, which indicates that the rock formed under more oxidized conditions. Our results suggests that petrogenesis of the rhyolite due to basaltic magma ascend with the high An and Sr/Ba plaigoclases from deep magma chamber into the shallow chamber where the fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation happened. It also indicates that a two-layer magma chamber structure may occur under the southwestern Okinawa Trough. To reveal the petrogenesis of rhyolite from the southwestern Okinawa Trough, the mineral chemistry of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, amphibole, quartz and Fe-Ti oxide phenocrysts were analyzed using an electron microprobe, and in suit Sr and Ba contents of plagioclase analyzed by LA-ICPMS were selected for fingerprinting plagioclases of different provenances. Results of an overall homogeneous composition for each of the mineral phases except for plagioclase phenocrysts which have a wide range of composition (An = 39-88). not in equilibrium with their whole-rock compositions, and coarse-sieved plagioclase phenocrysts interiors record high An contents (> 70) and Sr / Ba ratios (> 7), which are similar to those of plagioclase crystals in basalt. Thus, these crystals must have been introduced to the rhyolitic magma from a more mafic source. Equilibrium temperature estimated using orthopyroxene-liquid, iron-titanium oxide, tita The equilibrium pressure calculated using amphibole compositions is close to 121 MPa which corresponds to an approximate depth of 4 km. The fO2 conditions estimated from Fe-Ti oxides and amphiboles plot slightly above the NNO buffer, which indicates that the rock formed under more oxidized conditions. Our results suggests that the rock formed under more oxidized conditions. the fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation happened. It also means that a two-layer magma chamber structure may occur under the southwestern Okinawa Trough.
【摘要】随着我国新型课程改革的推行程度逐步加深,高中物理教师应该根据新课改的要求改变自己传统的教学理念,提高在物理教学中的专业素质,以便有效地改善高中物理教学的质量和效率。经过分析研究,实现高中物理教师向专业化进一步发展的主要策略为自我教育方法、课堂实践方法、校本物理研修方法和借鉴优秀教学模式方法。  【关键词】高中物理教师 专业发展 策略探析  【中图分类号】G633.7【文献标识码】A 【文章
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