肝干细胞(liver stem cell,LSC)的存在并参与肝脏生长、发育与再生的观点已被广泛接受,利用LSC 进行细胞移植与生物人工肝治疗各种终末期肝病被认为是最有前途的方法之一。最新研究证实,肝脏卵圆细胞(oval cell,OVC)是LSC在某种条件下被激活后分化所产生的、具有双向分化潜能的干细胞,又叫肝祖细胞(progenitor cell),主要分布于闰管、门管和胆管树状分支区。由于肝OVC具有造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cell,HSC)类似的细胞分化标志物以及两者在体外均可分化为成熟肝细胞,提示肝脏与成体造血功能关系密切,HSC有可能是肝OVC与成熟肝细胞的重要来源。为此寻找肝脏中OVC并探索其再生与分化机制成为目前研究的重点。
The idea that the presence of liver stem cells (LSCs) and their involvement in liver growth, development and regeneration has been widely accepted. Cell transplantation and bioartificial liver transplantation using LSC are considered the most promising approaches to treat end-stage liver disease one. Recent studies have confirmed that oval cell (OVC) is a kind of stem cell with the potential of bidirectional differentiation, which is called LSC (progenitor cell), which is mainly produced by the differentiation of LSC under certain conditions. Tubes, portal tubes and biliary tree branches. Since the liver OVC has similar cell differentiation markers of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and both can differentiate into mature hepatocytes in vitro, suggesting that the liver is closely related to adult hematopoietic function, it is possible that HSC may be a link between liver OVC and mature liver An important source of cells. In order to find the OVC in the liver and explore its mechanism of regeneration and differentiation has become the focus of current research.