于 1997~ 2 0 0 0年在黑龙江和吉林东部地区 ,对柳蝙蛾的生物学习性和发生规律进行了研究 .在该地区柳蝙蛾多数个体 2年完成一个世代 ,分别以卵和幼虫 2次越冬 .每年 6月底、7月上旬 ,幼虫转移到水曲柳上危害 .上树后的幼虫 ,在室内人工饲养条件下发育了 6龄仍未化蛹 .在水曲柳人工林中 ,主要危害 2~ 2 0年的水曲柳人工幼林的干基部 (2 0cm以下 )和干部 .水曲柳蝙蝠蛾的发生量与林龄和林分结构密切相关 .以水曲柳人工纯林以及红松水曲柳混交林受害较重 ,而落叶松水曲柳混交林的受害程度最轻 .
The biological behavior and occurrence pattern of Lilium moth were studied in Heilongjiang and eastern Jilin Province from 1997 to 2000. Most individuals of Lilium moth in this area completed one generation in two years and took eggs and larvae 2 The overwintering.Each of the end of June each year, in early July, the larvae transferred to ash damage.After the tree larvae, under artificial breeding conditions indoors has not yet pupation in the 6th. In the ash plantation, the main Endanger the dry base (below 20 cm) and cadre of Fraxinus mandshurica young plantations from 2000 to 2010. The occurrence amount of Fraxinus mandshurica was closely related to the age of stands and stand structure, Manchurian ash mixed forest suffered heavier damage, while Larch Manchurian ash mixed forest suffered the least damage.