Multiple Tuned Mass Damper Based Vibration Mitigation of Offshore Wind Turbine Considering Soil-Stru

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:natural_jack
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The dynamics of jacket supported offshore wind turbine(OWT) in earthquake environment is one of the progressing focuses in the renewable energy field. Soil–structure interaction(SSI) is a fundamental principle to analyze stability and safety of the structure. This study focuses on the performance of the multiple tuned mass damper(MTMD) in minimizing the dynamic responses of the structures objected to seismic loads combined with static wind and wave loads. Response surface methodology(RSM) has been applied to design the MTMD parameters. The analyses have been performed under two different boundary conditions: fixed base(without SSI) and flexible base(with SSI). Two vibration modes of the structure have been suppressed by multi-mode vibration control principle in both cases. The effectiveness of the MTMD in reducing the dynamic response of the structure is presented. The dynamic SSI plays an important role in the seismic behavior of the jacket supported OWT, especially resting on the soft soil deposit.Finally, it shows that excluding the SSI effect could be the reason of overestimating the MTMD performance. The dynamics of jacket supported offshore wind turbine (OWT) in earthquake environment is one of the progressing focuses on the renewable energy field. Soil-structure interaction (SSI) is a fundamental principle to analyze stability and safety of the structure. the performance of the multiple tuned mass damper (MTMD) in minimizing the dynamic responses of the structures objected to seismic loads combined with static wind and wave loads. Response surface methodology (RSM) has been applied to design the MTMD parameters. Both under vibration modes of the structure have been suppressed by multi-mode vibration control principle in both cases. The effectiveness of the MTMD in reducing the dynamic response of the structure is presented. The dynamic SSI plays an important role in the seismic behavior of the jacket supported OWT, especially resting on the s oft soil deposit .Finally, it shows that excluding the SSI effect could be the reason of overestimating the MTMD performance.
争取支持 用事实消除质疑声rn2005年, 赤壁信用社因与宝塔村发生贷款纠纷起诉至法院.法院依法作出判决后,赤壁信用社依法申请强制执行. 案件执行过程中,经双方协商达成了对宝
浙江省自然科学基金自1990 年开始立项资助,是我国最早设立的地方科学基金之一,也是目前浙江省唯一资助基础研究的省级科研基金.本文系统研究了浙江省自然科学基金1990~2016
杨诚,中国美术家协会会员,广西美术家协会理事,漓江画派促进会常务理事,现为广西美术出版社副编审。作品多次参加全国各类展览,并获奖。 Yang Cheng, member of Chinese Art
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