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极为熟悉广汇的申银万国的分析师张宇告诉记者:“植根于新疆14年,专注于在一个地方的发展,这个积累过程致使广汇有了对本地区市场的准确判断能力。相信这才是广汇地产做到如此规模的不可复制模式的核心。”5年前,站在新疆乌鲁木齐的红山顶上极目远眺,你还能看到许多维族的传统民居,房子都是矮矮的;现在,过去底矮破旧的平房变成了今天的高楼大厦,城市的日新月异与房地产业的崛起息息相关。而新疆的商品房中,5套中有3套是新疆广汇地产开发的。当你经过乌鲁木齐任何一个由广汇地产开发的商品房项目时,很快会围上十多人向你推销他们的楼盘,如此人海战术在国内其他地方几乎是看不到的。更让人惊讶的是,乌市的那些购房人买房时连楼盘的地基都还没打,楼盘的施工图纸都没确定,只知道在哪要盖楼盘,只知道一个均价,只看过户型图纸就交了定金交了20%的首付款,然后坐在旧家等新房。这样的场面在其他房地产开发商是无法想像的。 Very familiar with Guanghui Shenyin Wanguo analyst Zhang Yu told reporters: “rooted in Xinjiang for 14 years, focusing on the development in one place, this accumulation process led to the accurate judgment of the market in this area. This is the core of Guanghui Real Estate’s non-copyable model of such a scale. ”" Five years ago, standing on the top of Red Hill in Urumqi, Xinjiang, you could see many traditional Uighur houses with short dwellings Short; now, the dilapidated bungalows in the past have become today’s high-rise buildings, the rapid changes in the city and the rise of the real estate industry. And Xinjiang’s commercial housing, 5 sets of 3 sets of Xinjiang Guanghui real estate development. When you pass through any of the Urumqi commercial housing projects developed by CIG Real Estate, there will soon be more than a dozen people selling you their real estate, so that human-sea tactics are almost invisible in other parts of the country. Even more surprising is that those buyers who buy real estate in Urumqi, even the foundation of the real estate have not hit, real estate construction drawings are not sure, only know where to cover the real estate, only know an average price, only seen Huxing The drawings were paid a down payment of 20% of the down payment, and then sitting in the old house and other new houses. Such scenes in other real estate developers are unimaginable.
目的 观察补益化瘀汤治疗慢性心力衰竭的临床疗效及安全性.方法 选取120例患者,随机分为治疗组及对照组各60例.对照组予常规西医治疗,治疗组加用补益化瘀汤,总疗程4周.观察临
目的 探讨对慢性支气管炎患者应用三拗汤合止咳散加减治疗的临床疗效.方法 选择2017年12月——2018年12月在我院治疗的62例慢性支气管炎患者为试验对象,将患者随机分组,观察
目的 探讨中医益气活血法在治疗分水岭区脑梗死中的优势.方法 选取我院2016年11月至2019年6月收治的分水岭区脑梗死患者112例作为研究对象,以随机数字表法分组,观察组与对照