2004年春季,潍坊市水产职业中专科研处,进行了地下卤水大菱鲆的人工育苗工作,历时3个月,试验获得成功,育成率达8%。现将试验情况报告如下:1试验条件1.1场址选择位于寿光市北部咸淡水分界处的营里镇,距海边垂直距离约50 km。此地用卤水进行虾蟹育苗与养成,均获得成功。
In the spring of 2004, Weifang Aquatic Vocational Technical Research Institute conducted artificial seedling raising work of underground brine turbot, which lasted for 3 months, and the experiment was successful with a breeding rate of 8%. The test report is as follows: 1 Test conditions 1.1 Site selection Yingli Town, located in the northern part of Shouguang City, at the boundaries of brackish water, is about 50 km away from the sea. Here brine shrimp crab nursery and develop, have been successful.