假如您注意观察,会发现不同年龄的人走路有不同的特点。年轻人走起路来步伐矫健,有一些老年朋友走路时,能保持和年轻人同样的步态,很有精神,但有些老年人则显得老态龙钟。 再仔细观察,您会发现,老年人走路时每步迈出距离较短,且两脚之间的距离较宽。由于每步迈出的距离缩短,再加上步伐比较慢,行走的速度明显下降,这与老年人肌肉韧带的弹性和关节的灵活性下降有关。但适当的锻炼,可使高龄老人仍保持较好的柔韧性,走起路来照样很有精神。除了多练太极拳、太极剑外,下面再介绍一种更简便的方法。
If you pay attention to observe, you will find that people of different ages have different characteristics of walking. Young people walking very steep pace, some elderly friends walk, can maintain the same gait with young people, very energetic, but some older people seem morbid. Look closely, you will find that the elderly walk each step taken a short distance, and the distance between the two feet wide. Due to the shortening of each step taken, coupled with slower pace, walking speed decreased significantly, which is related to the elasticity of the elderly muscle ligaments and joint flexibility decreased. However, proper exercise will enable the elderly still maintain good flexibility, walked to the same spirit. In addition to practicing Tai Chi, Tai Chi sword, the following to introduce a more simple method.