农历壬午年是马年,辞旧迎新,又到了马年说“马”的时候了。 说到“马”,激情之下,人们脑海里首先涌现的是蕴含“马”的吉祥成语,譬如“马到成功”、“万马奔腾”、“人强马壮”、“马不停蹄”、“龙马精神”等等。 但我却反其道而行之,想到的是“马失前蹄”。光阴荏苒,来也匆匆,去也匆匆,一晃一年又过去了,总结一年
Lunar New Year of the Lunar New Year is the Year of the Horse, New Year greetings, arrived in the Year of the Horse “horse” of the time. When it comes to “horse” and passion, the first thing that comes to mind in people’s minds is the auspicious idioms containing “horse”, such as “success in horse,” “galloping horse,” “strong horse,” “non-stop” “and many more. But I do the opposite, thinking of ”the horse lost its heels." Time flies, come in a hurry, to also hurry, flash one year passed, summed up a year