齐齐哈尔市第一医院是黑龙江省西部地区的一所规模最大的综合性三级甲等医院,从1987年起在省市卫生行政部门的指导下,开始承担支农任务。改革开放以来,引入了市场机制,在竞争十分激烈的环境中是否还要坚持支农,怎样支农,是摆在每个城市医院面前的新课题。 近十年中我们先后派出各种医疗队和卫生行政管理人员650多人到市周围的泰来县、龙江县、甘南县、梅里斯达斡尔族区、富裕县、漠河县、卧牛吐乡、雅尔塞镇等16个县、区进行
The First Hospital of Qiqihar City is the largest comprehensive tertiary hospital in the western part of Heilongjiang Province. Since 1987, it has begun to assume the task of supporting agriculture under the guidance of the provincial and municipal health administrative departments. Since the reform and opening up, the introduction of market mechanisms, whether to insist on supporting agriculture in a highly competitive environment, how to support agriculture, is a new topic placed in front of each city hospital. In the past ten years, we have dispatched more than 650 medical teams and health administration personnel to Tailai County, Longjiang County, Gannan County, Meilisdaur District, Fuyu County, Mohe County, and Wonunu Township around the city. In 16 counties and districts such as Yaersai Town.