Robber Families

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During the reign of Shunzhi (1644—1661) in the Qing Dynasty, in the region of Tengxian and Yixian Counties, seven out of ten people were robbers. The government dared not arrest them. Later, these robbers voluntarily came over and pledged allegiance to the authorities. The county magistrate called them the Robber Families so as to distinguish them from ordinary residents. If occasionally some disputes arose between ordinary residents and robber families, the government officials tended to decide in favour of the robber families for fearing that they might make trouble again. During the reign of Shunzhi (1644—1661) in the Qing Dynasty, in the region of Tengxian and Yixian Counties, seven out of ten people were robbers. The government dared not arrest them. Later, these robbers voluntarily came over and pledged allegiance to The authorities. The county magistrate called them the Robber Families so as to distinguish them from ordinary residents. If occasionally some disputes arose between ordinary residents and robber families, the government officials tended to decide in favour of the robber families for fearing that they might make Trouble again.
平常我们只能看到地面上活动的蚂蚁,要是能看到蚂蚁在地下生活的情景那该多好呀!现在,这种愿望还真的被一个人实现了。这个人就叫温同振。  那是一个偶然的机会。温同振在一家国外的网站上看到一篇报道:美国宇航局为了观察昆虫在太空中的失重状态,选中了在地球上生活了几万年的蚂蚁。可是在火箭发射和返回过程中,巨大的震动会毁坏蚂蚁的巢穴,为了解决这个难题,专家们发明了一种特殊的透明胶状物,既可作蚂蚁的食品又能作为
IT seems to have become a kind of law of nature that the aged do not easily get accustomed to new situations. But my mother didn’t relate to this law. Mother
我曾经带过的一个业务员要离开公司到另一个企业发展,当天面试结束后,他打来电话说:“其中有一道题目叫面对面销售的流程是什么?”他回答不上来,可能会被刷掉。这让我想到一个发生在我身边的案例,我想他能在这个案例中学到点东西。   我的一个邻居老太太去市场买菜,买完菜路过卖水果的摊位边上,看到有两个摊位上都有苹果在卖,就走到一个商贩面前问道:“苹果怎么样啊?”商贩回答说:“你看我的苹果个不但大而且还保证很