舆论监督是新闻工作者的天职 ,通过有效的舆论监督 ,社会管理部门能够正确地行使职能 ,公民的精神文化素质能够得到提高。对媒体而言 ,搞好舆论监督则可以提高竞争力。尤其是电视媒体 ,能否拿起批评的武器搞好舆论监督 ,关系到自身的生存和发展
Public opinion supervision is the vanguard of journalists. Through effective public opinion supervision, social management departments can exercise their functions correctly and the spiritual and cultural qualities of citizens can be raised. For the media, improving public opinion supervision can increase competitiveness. In particular, the television media, whether it can pick up the weapons of criticism and do a good job of public opinion supervision, is related to its own survival and development