为了研究二氧化硫的毒作用机制 ,我们进行了以下实验。一、材料和方法取生长良好的人胚肺成纤维细胞 (HEL ,军事医学科学院 ) ,胰酶消化 ,用含 10 %的小牛血清的达克尔必需培养基(DMEM )调成细胞浓度为 5× 10 5/ml,接种于 2 4孔细胞培养板中 ,待细胞进入指数生长期后染毒。到
In order to study the toxic mechanism of sulfur dioxide, we conducted the following experiment. Materials and Methods Human embryonic lung fibroblasts (HEL, Military Academy of Medical Sciences) with good growth were digested by trypsin and adjusted to the cell concentration of DMEM with 10% fetal bovine serum 5 × 10 5 / ml, seeded in 24-well cell culture plate, until the cells into the exponential growth phase after exposure. To