我国抗震规范强调应估计框架结构的围护墙和隔墙的设置对结构抗震的不利影响,但在具体工程设计中一般并未详细考虑填充墙布置不均匀对框架结构的影响。历次震害调查表明,填充墙的不均匀布置会对结构抗震产生明显不利影响。采用FEMA 356的建议将填充墙等效为斜撑,并基于Open Sees建立了可反映填充墙退出工作的有限元模型。通过对某框架结构填充墙底层平面不均匀布置框架的动力弹塑性分析,从结构整体变形、构件内力及变形以及结构破坏机理等方面,深入分析填充墙平面不均匀布置对框架结构抗震性能的影响,进而提出针对填充墙平面不均匀布置的改进方案,并通过动力弹塑性分析验证方案的有效性。
The seismic code in our country emphasizes that the adverse effect of the wall and wall of the frame structure on the seismic performance of the structure should be estimated. However, the influence of the uneven wall layout on the frame structure is generally not considered in the concrete engineering design. Previous earthquake damage investigations showed that the uneven arrangement of infill walls will have a significant adverse effect on the structural seismic resistance. Adopting FEMA 356, the infill wall is equivalent to a bracing, and a finite element model based on Open Sees that reflects the exit of the infill wall is established. Through the analysis of dynamic elasto-plasticity of frame with unevenly arranged floor in a certain frame structure, the influence of inhomogeneous layout of filled wall on the seismic performance of frame structure is analyzed in terms of overall structural deformation, internal forces and deformation of structure and structural failure mechanism , And then put forward aiming at the uneven layout of infilled walls improved program, and through the dynamic elasto-plastic analysis to verify the effectiveness of the program.