Smart City Vs. Normal City: What Are the Differences? 智慧城市与普通城市有何差别?

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  Smart cities are a hot buzzword right now as cities all over the world look to how they can use new technologies. These cities are no longer futuristic scenarios dreamed up by creative thinkers. Instead, real places around the globe are discovering innovative ways to incorporate smart technology into people’s everyday lives.
   Let’s take a close look at a smart city vs. a normal city. What are the differences between them? In other words, what makes a smart city, well, smart?
   The conceptualization of Smart City, may vary from city to city and country to country depending on the level of development. But simply put, Smart City is an urban area that uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to ease up the livelihood of its people. It is a municipality that uses ICT to augment operational efficiency, share information with the public and improve both the quality of government services and citizen welfare.
   The main purpose of Smart City is to create a society which can perform effectively and efficiently making effective use of city infrastructures through artificial intelligence. It also focuses to optimize city functions and drive economic growth while improving quality of life for its citizens using smart technology and data analysis.
  Connected objects
   Think about the sorts of things you might see when you’re walking down an average city street—buildings, cars, lampposts, trees, trash cans, and more. In a smart city, you might want to take a second look at some of these everyday objects. The Internet of Things opens up a huge range of possibilities.
   According to Technology Strategy Board1–IoT Special Interest Group, “IoT refers to a state where Things (e.g. objects, environments, vehicles and clothing) will have more and more information associated with them and may have the ability to sense, communicate, network and produce new information, becoming an integral part of the Internet.” Practical examples can be found in many industries such as manufacturing, transportation, utilities, healthcare and consumer electronics.
   Let’s use lampposts as an example. A regular city has regular lampposts. But in a smart city, there could be a whole lot more going on than meets the eye.
   A smart lamppost will not only incorporate things like LED light bulbs to reduce energy usage, but could also have sensors installed. These sensors could measure a slew2 of different things, like whether or not there are people on the street in order to dim and brighten lighting as necessary. It could even measure something city government officials are interested in studying, like air quality.    Another good example would be an app which tracks and manages cargo vehicle fleets. The app along with the IoT web platform will allow the company to monitor the status of the vehicles in the fleet.
  Engaged citizens
   In a smart city, citizens create the city. They’re active participants in shaping the city and how it works. This difference between smart cities and normal cities often gets overlooked, but citizen participation is essential to a smart city.
   That means smart cities are adaptable to their citizens’ needs, and can grow and change with their residents.
   Detroit recently did a smart city project where they gave teens kits to collect their own data, like foot traffic3, air quality, and temperature—and then come up with solutions. The very same technology is also used in cities around the world to measure structural integrity. They adapted it so that anybody could use it on the go to help make their city a better place.
   That means that citizens can work on4 solutions to problems quickly and flexibly. It also means that real people’s everyday problems can be addressed. Sometimes, city officials in a regular city may not even realize that a certain issue needs fixing. But in a smart city, citizens can make sure they know about it, and even offer solutions.
  Streamlined transportation
   In a regular city, you might have to wait for a long time for the next bus to come without a good idea of when it will actually show up. On the city planning side, they’re making a best guess at what bus routes citizens need.
   In a smart city, you’ll be able to consult up-to-the-second information about bus arrival times, whether that’s with a smartphone app or a bus station with a display with the latest information. The bus routes will also be able to be optimally planned using data about real people’s behavior. You could even have a bot, like our own Intelligent City Bot5, to help guide people around the transportation system.
   All around, this makes the transportation process more efficient and effective for everyone.
  Environmentally friendly
   There’s a difference between smart cities and sustainable cities, which are solely focused on making cities environmentally friendly. But there is a lot of overlap, so smart cities often end up being sustainable ones, too.
   Tracking data can help cities design more energy-efficient policies and identify areas they can improve. It can help cities figure out what its citizens are really doing and present more efficient solutions.    By using smart lampposts like the ones we described earlier, the city of Barcelona reduced their energy usage by 30%, resulting in $37 million saved each year.            ■
  巴塞罗那使用类似前文提到的智能灯柱后,能耗减少了30%,每年节省开支3700万美元。                                           □
  Smart cities do not mean creating jungles of concretes or sophisticated cities of glasses with HiFi technologies. But a smart city means a city, where humans, trees, birds and other animals can grow with all their glories, imperfections, freedom and creativity.
  ―Amit Ray, Peace on the Earth—A Nuclear Weapons Free World
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