
来源 :中北大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:NO_IX
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杰基·凯1998年发表的同性恋小说《小号》获得卫报小说奖和国际都柏林文学奖候选提名。小说回顾了一名黑人女性通过易装,成功地扮演了丈夫、父亲和爵士乐小号手的角色。《小号》不仅是一个社会性别表演的文本,也是用“躯体”写作,书写女性经验、解构和颠覆父权、反抗制度化的性别二分对立模式的女性主义之作。它告诉了我们:性别不是所“是”(being),而是所“做”(doing)。性别身份是主体通过一系列模仿和学习建构的,而不是与生俱来的。本文主要探讨约瑟的跨性别生活对妻子的性别身份认同所产生的影响,一方面她拒绝社会的女同性恋标签,坚称婚姻的正常,另一方面她又难以逃脱真相的尴尬。 Jackie Kay published in 1998, gay novel “trumpet” won the Guardian Novel Award and the International Dublin Literary Award candidate nomination. The novel reviews a black woman who has successfully played the roles of a husband, a father, and a jazz trumpeter through easy-fitting. The “trumpet” is not only a text of a gender performance but also a feminist work that uses “body” to write and write feminine experiences, deconstruct and subvert patriarchal authority, and oppose institutionalized dichotomy of sex. It tells us that sex is not “being,” but rather “doing.” Gender identity is the subject of a series of imitation and learning to build rather than born. This article focuses on Joseph’s transgender life’s impact on his wife’s gender identity. On the one hand, she rejects lesbian labels in society, insists that marriage is normal, and on the other hand, she can not escape the embarrassment of truth.
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