对1987—2001年库水位从143.12 m逐步增高153.98 m又降到140.2 m这一波段资料进整理分析,建立测压管水位与库水位的函数关系;以原设计闸首稳定性分析为基础,采用水利部2000年修订颁布的SL253—2000《溢洪道设计规范》规定的抗剪断强度公式,分3种可能情况进行稳定性计算分析,对南水北调来水入库后密云水库的管理具有重要意义。
Based on the analysis of the data in this band from 1987 to 2001, the reservoir water level gradually increases from 153.98 m to 140.2 m from 143.12 m, and establishes a functional relationship between piezometric water level and reservoir water level. Based on the stability analysis of the original design sluice, The formula of shear strength of SL253-2000 “Spillway Design Code” revised and promulgated by Ministry of Water Resources in 2000 is used to calculate the stability in three possible cases, which is of great significance to the management of Miyun Reservoir after the water diversion from South to North Project.