本文通过分析气候因素对空调系统冷热源能耗的影响,确定了用于修正冷源和热源能耗的气象修正指标:冷源能耗应采用焓时数修正,热源能耗只需采用供暖度日数修正即可。此外,合理选取基准温度也是十分重要的,对上海办公建筑而言,供暖基准温度选取为16℃、供冷基准焓值选取为50 kJ/kg比较合理。
In this paper, by analyzing the influence of climate factors on the energy consumption of cold and heat sources in air-conditioning systems, the meteorological correction indexes for correcting the energy consumption of cold source and heat source are determined: the energy consumption of cold source should be corrected by enthalpy, the energy consumption of heat source needs only heating Degree days can be amended. In addition, the reasonable selection of the reference temperature is also very important. For Shanghai office buildings, the heating reference temperature is selected as 16 ℃, and the cooling baseline enthalpy is selected as 50 kJ / kg.