苯胺中毒以吸入或皮肤接触为多,口服中毒者少见.本文报告2例口服苯胺重症中毒患者,在采取综合措施的基础上。使用高压氧抢救获得成功.病历资料例1 男,29岁;例2,女。28岁.该2例同时各服苯胺原液(含量99%)100ml 及40ml.临床表现有:恶心呕吐,头昏头痛。口唇紫绀。神志不清。烦躁不安。四肢抽搐,口吐白沫,大、小便失禁。呼吸急促。两肺湿性罗音,巩膜皮肤黄染.实验室检查:白细胞总数及中性粒细胞升高。白细
Aniline poisoning to inhalation or skin contact is more common, oral poisoning is rare.This article reports 2 patients with oral aniline severe poisoning, taking comprehensive measures based on. Use of hyperbaric oxygen rescue success. Case data 1 male, 29 years old; Case 2, female. 28 years old.The 2 cases at the same time each serving aniline stock solution (content of 99%) 100ml and 40ml.Clinical manifestations are: nausea and vomiting, dizziness, headache. The lips are cyanotic. Unconsciousness. anxious. Twitching limbs, foaming at the mouth, large, urinary incontinence. Shortness of breath. Two lung wet rales, sclera skin yellow dye Laboratory tests: the total number of leukocytes and neutrophils increased. White