Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome in children:A literature review

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qjinglihong
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Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome(SRUS) is a benign and chronic disorder well known in young adults and less in children.It is often related to prolonged excessive straining or abnormal defecation and clinically presents as rectal bleeding,copious mucus discharge,feeling of incomplete defecation,and rarely rectal prolapse.SRUS is diagnosed based on clinical symptoms and endoscopic and histological findings.The current treatments are suboptimal,and despite correct diagnosis,outcomes can be unsatisfactory.Some treatment protocols for SRUS include conservative management such as family reassurance,regulation of toilet habits,avoidance of straining,encouragement of a high-fiber diet,topical treatments with salicylate,sulfasalazine,steroids and sucralfate,and surgery.In children,SRUS is relatively uncommon but troublesome and easily misdiagnosed with other common diseases,however,it is being reported more than in the past.This condition in children is benign;however,morbidity is an important problem as reflected by persistence of symptoms,especially rectal bleeding.In this review,we discuss current diagnosis and treatment for SRUS. Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) is a benign and chronic disorder well known in young adults and less in children. It is often related related to prolonged excessive straining or abnormal defecation and clinically presents as rectal bleeding, copious mucus discharge, feeling of incomplete defecation, and at rectal prolapse. RUS is diagnosed based on clinical symptoms and endoscopic and histological findings. and current diagnosis are suboptimal, and despite correct diagnosis, outcomes can be unsatisfactory. Home treatment protocols for SRUS include conservative management such as family reassurance, regulation of toilet habits, avoidance of straining, encouragement of a high-fiber diet, topical treatments with salicylate, sulfasalazine, steroids and sucralfate, and surgery. In children, SRUS is relatively uncommon but troublesome and easily misdiagnosed with other common diseases, however, it is being reported more than in the past.This condition in children is benign; however, morbidity is an important p roblem as reflected by persistence of symptoms, especially rectal bleeding. in this review, we discuss current diagnosis and treatment for SRUS.
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