张小保,山西省壶关县人,18岁即投身革命,27岁加入中国共产党,先后参加过常行窑洞保卫战和收复长治、壶关、陵川、屯留、沁县;解放焦作、新乡、汤阴、临汾、太原等大小战役30多次,屡受嘉奖。曾 苦难身世铸铁骨 1916年,张小保出生于山西省壶关县树掌镇碣则上村一个贫农家里。9岁那年秋天,因无力偿还地主的租息,一家7口被赶出了家门,只好四处流浪,靠乞讨过日子。不久,弟弟、哥哥和母亲相继饿死在路上。无奈中,父亲忍痛把两个姐姐卖给别人当了“童养媳”。那一夜,在一间四面透风的草棚里,失去亲人的张小保紧紧依偎在父亲怀里,眼里的泪扑簌簌往下流。过了许久,父亲对他说:“小保,明天我要去森掌(村名)放羊,你去给磨掌(村名)的郭全柱家放牛吧,要不……”父亲没有再说下去,懂事的张小保深深地知道,在当时,这是他们惟一能够活下去的出路,他噙着泪点了点头。第二天一早,在萧瑟的秋风中,张小保和父亲含泪离别。
Zhang Xiaobao, a native of Huaguan County in Shanxi Province, joined the revolution at the age of 18 and joined the Chinese Communist Party at the age of 27. He has participated in the clashes of cave clashes and the restoration of Changzhi, Huguan, Lingchuan, Tunliu and Qinxian counties. Jiefang Jiaozuo, Xinxiang and Soup Yin, Linfen, Taiyuan and other large and small battles more than 30 times, repeated awards. Had suffered bitter experience of cast iron bone In 1916, Zhang Xiaobao was born in Huzhang County, Shanxi Province, Shizu town, then on the village a poor peasant family. At the age of nine that year, due to the inability to pay the landowner’s rent, a family of seven was driven out of their house and had to wander around and beg for a living. Soon, brother, brother and mother starved to death on the road one after another. Helpless, my father reluctantly sold the two sisters to others when the “child care daughter-in-law.” That night, Zhang Weibao, who lost his loved one in a breeze-covered shed, clinging to his father’s arms tightly and tears fall in his eyes. After a long time, my father said to him: “Xiao Bao, tomorrow I’m going to Mori (village name) sheep, you go to Mozu (village name) Guo Quanzhu family cattle, or else ... ...” My father did not say it , Sensible Zhang Xiaobao deeply know that at the time, this is their only way to survive, he nodded with tears. The next morning, in the bleak autumn wind, Zhang Xiaobao and his father tearfully parted.