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“思想政治课不好上,学生不感兴趣。”这是许多政治老师发出的叹息。学生为什么不感兴趣呢?我想还跟我们政治老师的教学方式有关。因为现在大多数政治老师还是喜欢运用讲解法,上课时除了交代知识点就是空洞说教,学生听得极其不耐烦。试想,我们现在面对的学生都是看着电脑、电视、手机等电子设备上的直观画面长大的,他们怎么会喜欢老师上课时枯燥的讲授呢?学生上课积极性不高,产生厌学的情绪是不可避免的。那么, “Ideological and political lesson is not good, students are not interested. ” This is the sigh issued by many political teachers. Why students are not interested? I think also with our political teacher teaching methods. Because now most political teachers still like to use the explanation method, in addition to explaining knowledge points in class is empty preaching, the students are extremely impatient to hear. Imagine, we are now facing students are watching the computer, television, mobile phones and other electronic devices grew up on the visual screen, how would they like the teacher when the boring teaching it? Students enthusiasm for class, resulting in tired of learning Emotions are inevitable. Well,
党的十七大是在我国改革发展关键阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会。认真学习、深刻领会、全面贯彻十七大精神,搞好价格工作,是我们当前和今后一个时期的首要政治任务。 The 17
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用水蒸气蒸馏法提取干花豆(Fordia cauliflora Hemsl.)叶中的挥发油,用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析挥发油成分.结果从干花豆叶挥发油中分离出28个组分,首次鉴定其中的2
Migraine is a common disease in neurology,which is manifested as repeatedly-occurred throb-bing pain laterally or bilaterally, accompanied by nausea,vomiting or