Two kinds of optimal controls for probabilistic mix-valued logical dynamic networks

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mawenbo111
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This paper addresses two kinds of optimal control problems of probabilistic mix-valued logical control networks by using the semi-tensor product of matrices,and presents a number of new results on the optimal finite-horizon control and the first-passage model based control problems,respectively.Firstly,the probabilistic mix-valued logical control network is expressed in an algebraic form by the semi-tensor product method,based on which the optimal finite-horizon control problem is studied and a new algorithm for choosing a sequence of control actions is established to minimize a given cost functional over finite steps.Secondly,the first-passage model of probabilistic mix-valued logical networks is given and a new algorithm for designing the optimal control scheme is proposed to maximize the corresponding probability criterion.Finally,an illustrative example is studied to support our new results/algorithms. This paper addresses two kinds of optimal control problems of probabilistic mix-valued logical control networks by using the semi-tensor product of matrices, and presents a number of new results on the optimal finite-horizon control and the first-passage model based control problems , respectively. Firstly, the probabilistic mix-valued logical control network is expressed in an algebraic form by the semi-tensor product method, based on which the optimal finite-horizon control problem is studied and a new algorithm for choosing a sequence of control actions is established to minimize a given cost functional over finite steps. Secondarily, the first-passage model of probabilistic mix-valued logical networks is given and a new algorithm for designing the optimal control scheme is proposed to maximize the corresponding likelihood criterion. example example is studied to support our new results / algorithms.
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