宁化是中央红军长征4个起点县之一, 也是中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府21个 苏区县之一,还是闽赣省省委省苏机关后 期的驻地。宁化是中央苏区扩红重点县,当 年出现了“妻送夫,父送子,兄弟双双当红 军”的动人景象。宁化还是中华苏维埃中央 临时政府筹粮筹款的支前重点县。在中央 红军长征前的几年里,为中华苏维埃政府 提供了“千担纸,万担粮”等有力的后勤保 障,被誉为中央苏区的“乌克兰”。淮土、禾 口还被中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府授 予扩红模范区。 当年,宁化有13777名青壮年参加工农 红军。中央红军长征到达陕北后活着的宁
Ninghua is one of the four starting counties of the Long March of the Central Red Army and one of the 21 Soviet counties of the interim Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic. It is also the resident station of the latter province and province of Fujian and Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee. Ninghua is a key county in the Central Soviet Area that has expanded its population. In that year, there appeared a moving scene of “sending a husband to his wife, sending his father to his son, and both brothers and the Red Army.” Ninghua is also the key counties in the preparatory fund-raising of the central government of the Chinese Soviet Central Government. In the few years preceding the Long March of the Central Red Army, it provided the Chinese Soviet government with powerful logistical support such as “one thousand paper, 10,000 meals,” and was honored as “Ukraine” in the Central Soviet Area. Huai Tuo, Hekou was also awarded the expansion of the Red Demonstration Zone by the interim central government of the Chinese Soviet Republic. That year, Ninghua 13777 young adults to participate in the Red Army. After the Long March of the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, Ning lived