1936年10月2日凌晨,红一方面军15军团直属骑兵团奉命从宁夏同心出发,马蹄裹布,昼伏夜行,一路长途奔袭,抢在国民党王均部和马鸿逵部前头,攻占素有“陇秦锁钥”之称的会宁城,为三大红军主力会师打开通道。中国工农红军,正是从瑞金出发,走进会师门,走向延安,走到西柏坡,走上天安门,创建了伟大的中华人民共和国,说共和国从这里走来名副其实。会师旧址的主要建筑有:始建于明洪武六年(1 373年)的红军会师楼及古城墙、红军会师联欢会会
In the early hours of October 2, 1936, the Red Cavalry Regiment directly under the Red Army, on the 1st regiment of 15th, was ordered to proceed from Ningxia with concentric lines. The horseshoe covered the cloth, and nocturnal nightcurdled all the way to the front of the KMT Wang Junbu and Ma Honggu. Qin key lock, "said Ning City, the main force for the three Red Army will open the channel. The Red Army of China’s Workers and Peasants started off from Ruijin and walked into the assembly hall toward Yenan. They went to Xibaipo and went to Tiananmen Square to create the great People’s Republic of China. They said that the Republic came from here. The main building where the meeting was held was: the Red Army Confederation and the Ancient City Wall, built in the sixth year of Ming Hongwu (1337), the Red Army Confederation