The genomic DNA of Carassius auratus was extracted with phenol-chloroform method and kit method by using the blood, muscle, liver and kidney of crucian carp. The results of different methods were analyzed by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, agarose gel electrophoresis and microsatellite PCR Identification of other methods. The results showed that the genomic DNA of Carassius auratus extracted by different methods was in the range of 385.8-3167.5 ng / μL, the A260 / 280 ratio was in the range of 1.66-1.87, and the extracted DNA was suitable for microsatellite DNA amplification. Therefore, using the method of phenol-chloroform to test the blood, muscle, liver and kidney of Carassius auratus, the genomic DNA of Carassius auratus can be extracted from the blood of the carp using the kit method.