
来源 :涉外税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vpnyoyo
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最近,国务院和国务院办公厅连续发了三个重要文件:《国务院关于整顿税收秩序加强税收管理的决定》、《国务院办公厅转发国家税务局关于清理整顿和严格控制减免税意见的通知》、《国务院办公厅关于各部门配合税务机关加强税收征管工作的通知》。为了研究贯彻这三个文件,国家税务局召开了全国税务局长会议,提出了今年税收工作的四项任务:整顿税收秩序,严格以法治税;深化税制改革,完善税收制度;加强征收管理,大力组织收入;加强队伍建设,抓好为政清廉。本刊同仁和广大读者誓同全国税务人员一道,同心同德,群策群力,坚决贯彻上述三个文件和全国税务局长会议精神。 Recently, the State Council and the General Office of the State Council issued three important documents in a row: “Decision of the State Council on Strengthening Administration of Tax Order and Strengthening Tax Management,” “Notice of the State Council on Forwarding the State Administration of Taxation on Opinions on Clean-up and Reorganization and Strict Control of Tax Relief,” and “ Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Administration of Tax Collection by Various Departments in Coordination with the Tax Authorities. ” In order to study and implement these three documents, the State Administration of Taxation held a meeting of the National Tax Bureau and proposed four tasks for this year’s tax work: rectifying the tax order, strictly administering the tax by law, deepening the tax reform and perfecting the tax system, and intensifying the collection and administration Organizational income; strengthen team building, do a good job clean government. Colleagues and readers alike vow with tax authorities across the country, work in concert and work together to resolutely implement the above three documents and the spirit of the National Tax Bureau.
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