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文章在Rodrik(2006)的基础上,结合非竞争型投入产出表,剔除进口中间品对我国出口产品的贡献,构建并测算了1995~2010年中国以及世界主要贸易国的出口技术含量和出口国内技术复杂度,并从国家层面和行业层面审视我国出口贸易技术含量变迁及其国际比较。结果发现:中国出口技术含量和出口国内技术复杂总体上呈现出平稳上升的阶段性特征,且演变路径具有高度的同步性。从两者差距来看,遵循“先扩大再缩小,随后缓慢上升”的变化态势;出口国内技术复杂度在所考察的12个经济体中分布不平衡,但总体呈稳步增长态势;样本期间六大类行业的出口国内技术复杂度水平呈现波浪式上升趋势,且存在明显的行业差异和国别差异。据此,在中国提倡从“贸易大国”向“贸易强国”转变的大背景下,应该立足我国现实比较优势,积极顺应国际分工大趋势,深度融入国际分工体系中谋求提升中国出口国内技术复杂度。 On the basis of Rodrik (2006), combining with the non-competitive input-output table, the article excludes the contribution of imported intermediate products to China’s export products, constructs and estimates the export technology content and export of China and other major trading nations in the world from 1995 to 2010 Domestic technical complexity, and examining the changes in the technological content of China’s export trade and its international comparisons at the national and industrial levels. The results show that the technological content of exports and the technical complexity of exports in China generally show a steady rise of stage characteristics, and the evolution path has a high degree of synchronization. In terms of the gap between the two, we follow the trend of “first expanding, then narrowing down and then slowly rising”; the technical complexity of exports is unevenly distributed in the 12 economies examined, but overall the situation shows steady growth. Samples During the period, the domestic technical complexity levels of the export of the six major industries showed a wave-like upward trend, with obvious industry and country differences. Therefore, under the background that China advocates the change from a “big trading nation” to a “trading power”, China should base itself on the actual comparative advantages in our country, actively comply with the general trend of international division of labor, deeply integrate itself into the international division of labor system and strive to promote China’s exports Domestic technical complexity.