
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laoshuzhuimao
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风雨30栽,辉煌30年。1978年的冬天,我们终于走出思想桎梏的冰封,迎来改革开放的春风。党的十一届三中全会的胜利召开,开启了社会主义社会发展新纪元。拨乱反正,改革开放,中华儿女阔步前行,昂首世界。1992年的春天,邓小平南巡讲话,掀开了中国特色社会主义建设新篇章。解放思想,与时俱进,炎黄子孙续往开来,续写辉煌。30年来,我们沐浴改革春风,与时代同行。30年来,我们走过风雨,共迎未来。三峡出平湖,雪域连金桥,长征刺苍穹,神舟翱太空,博鳌迎宾朋,奥运誉世界……这一个又一个举世瞩目的伟大成就,让中华民族以从未有过的自信巍然屹立世界民族之林。水涨船高,国富兵强。军队和国防建设走出了一条有中国特色的精兵之路,成为祖国和人民靠得住的“钢铁长城”。军区部队发展建设也蒸蒸日上,形势喜人。为纪念改革开放30周年,展示军区部队后备力量全面建设成果,我们推出改革开放30周年专刊,意在铭记改革开放丰功伟绩,激励广大官兵继续投身改革开放伟大事业。 Wind and rain 30 planted, brilliant 30 years. In the winter of 1978, we finally walked out of the shyness of thought and ushered in the spring breeze of reform and opening up. The victory of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee has opened a new era for the development of socialism. Disorderly chaos, reform and opening up, sons and daughters of China strode ahead of the world. In the spring of 1992, Deng Xiaoping made a speech on his southern tour and opened a new chapter in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Emancipate the mind and keep pace with the times, and the grandson of the future should keep moving forward and write brilliant achievements. In the past 30 years, we bathed in the spring breeze of reform and walked with the times. In the past 30 years, we have passed the storm and welcomed the future. The Three Gorges Lake, the snowy area with the Jinqiao, the Long March stab the sky, the Shenzhou Ao Space, welcome guests to Boao, the Olympic Games reputation of the world ... ... one after another world-renowned great achievements, so that the Chinese nation with unprecedented confidence towering the world National Forest. Soaring, strong country rich. The army and national defense building have walked out of the road of elite troops with Chinese characteristics and become the “Great Wall of Iron and Steel” where the motherland and its people can afford it. The development and construction of military forces in the armed forces are also booming. The situation is gratifying. To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening up and to display the achievements of the comprehensive construction of reserve forces in the military regions, we have launched a special issue on the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening up. We intend to bear in mind the great achievements made in the reform and opening up and to inspire the officers and men to continue their devotion to the great cause of reform and opening up.
绿森林里来了一位不速之客,动物们纷纷前去观看。后来,它成了这里的一个永久居民,也和动物们成为了永远的朋友。你猜这位不速之客是谁? An uninvited guest came in the gre
一春意萌动,一路鸟语花香,满眼皆春色。惊叹于路边标志物的鬼斧神工,陶醉于老人打太极拳的闲情雅致,却不知为脚边一个不起眼的小生命而喝彩。 One spring sprouts, all the