葬我于高山之上兮,望我故乡。故乡不可见兮,永不能忘。葬我于高山之上兮,望我大陆。大陆不可见兮,只有痛哭。天苍苍,野茫茫。山之上,国有殇。这是国民党元老于右任先生在台北临终前留下的三章哀歌。《望大陆》,声声切, 字字悲,全国人大常委会副委员长、民革中央主席何鲁丽曾以“激情山河的千古绝唱,令世界中华儿女裂腹恸心”相评价,可谓透彻。近年,温家宝总理在中外公开场合多次引用《望大陆》,使右公这首爱国诗作为
Funeral I buried in the mountains, look at my hometown. Hometown can not see Xi, can never forget. Funeral I buried in the mountains, looking at my continent. The mainland can not see Xi, only cry. The sky is dark and wild. Above the mountains, state-owned 殇. This is the three laments of the KMT veteran Yoo Jeon Rim left before the deathbed in Taipei. “Looking the mainland”, voice cut, the word sad, He Ruli, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Revolution Central Committee with “the passion of the mountains and rivers of the past few years, so that the world Chinese sons and bosoms” commented, can be described as thorough. In recent years, Premier Wen Jiabao has repeatedly quoted “Wang Wang” in public at home and abroad so that the right patriotic poem