The reason for the evolution of the Soviet Union can never be summed up in general terms that the economy has failed to do a good job, nor must it be said that the socialist model of the Soviet Union is a failure in general. It basically proposes and implements a humanitarian democratic revision of the socialist system The socialist line has given up the socialist road. The basic experience of denying the Soviet revolution and construction is theoretically manifest as revisionism and in practice leads to capitalization. It emphasizes the common aspect of socialist development and denies that different countries should have special methods of revolution and construction appropriate to their national conditions And in the form of theoretical dogmatism, in practice it is to copy the Soviet Union model, do not think reform. For the contents of the basic system of socialism in the Stalin Model, we must fully affirm the specific contents of the political and economic system and the operational mechanism in the Stalinist model. We should make a concrete analysis of the contents of the specific political and economic systems and some of the operational mechanisms. Some of them are correct and others are wrong. Basic affirmative, partial negative attitude.