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我们很难想像一个即将年满100岁的人会有精力和大胆冒险的欲望,但查利·蒙塔纳罗与众不同,这位二战老兵用别具一格的方式庆祝百岁生日。We wouldn typically expect someone who was about to turn 100 to have energy to spare and a desire for daring adventures,but Charlie Montanaro isn your average person.Nothing was going
听音乐有很多好处,它可以使人们开心,缓解压力。但是,学习的时候,到底要不要听音乐呢?1 Music makes people relaxed.Students often choose to listen to music while studying.But does it really improve learning?2 A study by Baruch College and Rutgers University suggests listening to music while learnin
1 It's Friday morning in Alexandra township, a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of South Afr-ica's largest city, Johannesburg. Dozens of people are gathered
马德琳·英格的小说《时间的皱纹》叙述的是15岁的女孩麦格寻找失踪的爸爸的故事。这本风格独特的书,激发了我们对爱的思索,对人文主义的关怀以及对快乐生活的展望。A Wrinkle in Time begins by relating Megs personal struggles at school and her inability to fit in with the crowd.This is also a problem for her younger brother Charles Wallac
今年日本的樱花开得比往年都要早,是日本1,200多年来最早的一次。专家指出,开得越来越早,预示着气候危机和生态危机会越来越严重。1 Think of Japan in the spring and the image that comes to mind is likely the country,s famous cherry blossom,also known as “Sakuran”—a kind of white and pink flowers,blooming across cities a
世界粮食日是世界各国政府每年在10月16日围绕发展粮食和农业生产举行纪念活动的日子,其宗旨在于唤起全世界对发展粮食和农业生产的高度重视。1 World Food Day falls annually on October 16 in memory of the day the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)of the UN was formed.The events of the day usually focus on reducing,or rather
大约三百年前,玛丽·沃特利·蒙塔古夫人给她的女儿接种了天花疫苗,使她的孩子成为西方第一个得到疫苗保护的人。她的一系列付出为疫苗的应用及推广铺平了道路。1 About three hundred years ago,Lady Mary Wort-ley Montagu got her daughter inoculated(接种)against smallpox(天花),making her child the first person in the West to be protected in this
每天,我们都会接触到各种各样的消息,如何识别这些消息的真伪呢?有4种方法可以助你一臂之力。Every time yoiTre online,you are bombarded(轰炸)with pictures,articles,links and videos trying to tell their story.Unfortunately,not all of these stories are true.There is a range of fake news:from crazy stories
对不同发酵工序的绿茶、青茶、红茶中的多糖进行比较分析.采用超声法提取福建产绿茶、青茶、红茶中的多糖,用光谱法对绿茶、青茶、红茶中的多糖进行定量分析,最大吸收波长为490.0 nm,多糖浓度在40~90μg/mL范围内呈线性关系,方法回收率为98.50~103.60,变异系数小于0.21%.实验结果表明,绿茶中多糖含量最高为35.42 mg/g,青茶多糖含量次之为31.83 mg/g,而红茶中多糖含量最低为28.20 mg/g.