“开化龙顶”茶产于开化县大龙山的龙顶潭周围,原为历史名茶,1979年重新发掘,1985年被农业部评为全国名茶。其品质特点为:条索紧结挺直,白毫披覆,香气鲜嫩清幽,味醇甘爽,汤色杏绿清澈,叶底绿亮。该茶经数年的摸索、改进已形成一套完整的采制工艺。 (一)鲜叶采摘:清明前后选择芽叶粗壮、多毫的品种,采摘一芽一叶,芽长于叶,芽叶长度3公分以下,不采紫芽、细瘦叶、病虫叶。
“Kaihua dragon top” tea produced in Longhua Lake, Kaihua County Longdingtan surrounding the original historical tea, re-excavation in 1979, 1985 by the Ministry of Agriculture as the national tea. Its quality is characterized by the following: Straight tightening knot, Whitening drape, fresh and tender aroma, mellow taste, soup color apricot green clear, green leaves. The tea after several years of exploration, improvement has formed a complete set of mining technology. (A) fresh leaves picking: Ching Ming before and after the selection of buds sturdy, multi-milli varieties, picking a bud of a leaf, bud longer than the leaves, shoots the length of 3 cm below the bud, not purple buds, lean leaves, pests and leaves.