深化司法体制改革 保障社会公平正义

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党的十七大提出,要“深化司法体制改革,优化司法职权配置,规范司法行为,建设公正高效权威的社会主义司法制度”。2008年12月,党中央下发了《中央政法委员会关于深化司法体制和工作机制改革若干问题的意见》,对新时期深化司法体制和工作机制改革作出了重大部署。为反映全国政法战线认真贯彻落实党中央重大决策,在深化司法体制和工作机制改革方面取得的进展,本刊特分两期刊发笔谈文章,以飨读者。 The 17th CPC National Congress proposed to “deepen the reform of the judicial system, optimize the allocation of judicial power, standardize judicial acts and establish a just, efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system.” In December 2008, the CPC Central Committee issued the Opinions on Certain Issues Concerning Deepening the Reform of the Judicial System and Working Mechanism of the Central Political and Legal Committee, and made major plans for deepening the reform of the judicial system and working mechanism in the new era. In order to reflect the progress made by the political and legal fronts in conscientiously implementing the important policy decisions made by the CPC Central Committee and deepening the reform of the judicial system and working mechanism, the author published two written articles in a bid to readers.
对一株从柿果园分离的具有嗜杀性能的柠檬形克勒克酵母(Kloeckeera apiculate)KY-13c进行了发酵特性研究,包括在不同p H、温度、酒精度、糖度下的生长规律和嗜杀能力分析,并对
●选择题1测得电阻值为R=50047Ω ,其扩展不确定度为U95=340Ω ,则测量结果可完整地表示为。A.R=(50047±340)Ω ;B.R=(5005±34)×10Ω ;C.R=(50.05±0.34)kΩ。正确答案为B、C。根据JJF1059 -1999 ● Multiple-choice questions 1 The measured resi