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新农村建设背景下,涉农犯罪呈现出侵财型犯罪居多、暴力型犯罪多发、职务犯罪增多、毒品犯罪蔓延、青少年犯罪现象突出等特点。农村经济相对落后、农村管理机制相对滞后以及农民固有的传统和陋习是涉农犯罪多发的原因。其防控对策包括:调整农业产业结构,增强农民法制观念,强化农村法律监督,加强农村警务建设,加大对刑事犯罪的打击力度,开展专项整治和综合治理等。 Under the background of new rural construction, the crime of agriculture-related crime is characterized by the majority of crimes of infringement on property, multiple occurrences of violent crimes, the increase of job-related crimes, the spread of drug-related crimes and the prominent phenomenon of juvenile delinquency. Rural economy is relatively backward, the rural management mechanism is lagging behind, as well as peasants’ inherent traditions and bad habits are the causes of the multiple crimes involving agriculture. The prevention and control measures include: adjusting the industrial structure of agriculture, strengthening the concept of legal system of peasants, strengthening legal supervision in rural areas, strengthening rural police construction, increasing the crackdown on criminal activities, and carrying out special rectification and comprehensive management.
【摘 要】本文针对新型职业农民培育中认识不到位、培育不够精准、管理不够规范、后续发展扶持力度不足等问题,基于脫贫攻坚视阈提出推进新型职业农民培育的措施:高度重视,完善顶层设计;精准实施,提高新型职业农民培育质量;优化和完善培育机制,规范管理;重视后续发展,加大扶持力度。  【关键词】脱贫攻坚 新型职业农民 培育 精准帮扶  【中图分类号】G 【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】0450-9889(20