目的 白内障摘除後房型大C袢人工晶体植入术後,人工晶体与虹膜内面(後上皮层)有相应的距离,可减少术後炎症反应及并发症的探讨。方法 术後第一天裂隙灯侧照观察人工晶体与虹膜的相应距离。结果 人工晶体与虹膜有距离者反应轻,并发症少,无距离者反应重,并发症多。结论後房型大C袢人工晶体囊袋内植入後,人工晶体光学部分後沉紧贴晶体後囊膜,使人工晶体与虹膜产生了一定的距离,房水循环通畅,且人工晶体不刺激虹膜与睫状沟,所以反应轻并发症少。
Objective After cataract extraction, large C 袢 intraocular lens implantation, intraocular lens and iris inner surface (posterior epithelium) have the appropriate distance to reduce the postoperative inflammatory response and complications. Methods The slit lamp was placed on the first day after operation to observe the corresponding distance between the IOL and the iris. The results of intraocular lens and iris have a lighter reaction, fewer complications, no reaction distance, complications and more. Conclusion The posterior chamber large C 袢 intraocular lens implantation, the optical part of the intraocular lens after snapping crystal posterior capsule, the artificial lens and the iris have a certain distance, aqueous humor circulation, and IOL does not stimulate the iris and Ciliary sulcus, so less reaction light complications.