铁肩辣手 邵飘萍

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浙江一向是个人才辈出的地方。在1886年,在这片土地上又诞生了中国历史上一位重要的人物。他一生追求新闻事业,追求民主自由,追求大众梦想,他就是邵飘萍。“余百无一嗜,惟对新闻事业乃有非常趣味,愿终生以之。” ——邵飘萍邵飘萍,原名镜清,后改名振青。自幼聪颖的他,14岁便考中秀才,19岁考入浙江高等学堂读书。在这期间,邵飘萍第一次接触到了新闻事业,开始给上海《申报》写通讯。1908年毕业后,回到他成长的地方——金华任中学教师。同时继续担任《申报》的特约通讯员。教书育人曾是邵飘萍的理想,但是随着他对新闻事业的了解,他发现从事新闻工作,做一个为大众鼓与呼的记者才是自己最向往的事情。 Zhejiang has always been a talent out of place. In 1886, an important figure in Chinese history was born on this land. He is pursuing journalism, pursuing democratic freedom and pursuing popular dreams. He is Shao Piaoping. “No one indulgence, but for the journalism is very interesting, is willing to life. ” - Shao Piaoping Shao Piaoping, formerly known as mirror, after the renamed Qing Qing. Since childhood he was bright, 14-year-old test scholar, 19-year-old admitted to Zhejiang higher education school. During this period, Shao Piaopping first came into contact with journalism and started to write a newsletter to Shanghai’s “declaration.” After graduating in 1908, returned to where he grew up - Jinhua as a middle school teacher. At the same time continue to serve as “declare” correspondent. Teaching and educating people used to be Shao Piaoping’s ideal, but with his understanding of journalism, he found himself engaged in journalism and being a journalist who encouraged and engaged in public speaking was his favorite thing.
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