1966年,国民经济刚从“大跃进”的危机中挣脱出来,好日子没过几天,一场史无前例的“文化大革命”又使国民经济跌入灾难的深渊。以林彪、江青为代表的阴谋家、野心家为了实现其通过天下大乱达到篡夺党和国家最高领导权这一不可告人的目的,置人民要吃饭、生产要发展这一基本现实不顾,挑动群众“停产闹革命”,把国民经济推向崩溃的边缘。 在共和国的每次经济劫难中,最苦最累的都是周恩来。这一次更是空前绝后。 “文化大革命”中,为了减少运动对国民经济造
In 1966, the national economy was just emerging from the crisis of the “Great Leap Forward.” Within a few days of its existence, an unprecedented “Cultural Revolution” brought the national economy into the abyss of disasters. Conspirators, represented by Lin Biao and Jiang Qing, in order to realize its ulterior goal of usurping the supreme leadership of the Party and the country through chaos in the world, setting the people as the basic reality to disregard this issue and provoke the masses “Stop production revolution”, the national economy to the brink of collapse. In every economic catastrophe in the Republic, Zhou Enlai is the most bitter and the most tired. This time is even more unprecedented. In the “Cultural Revolution”, in order to reduce the movement on the national economy