【摘 要】
廣大农村新面貌,城乡一体报佳音。 改革开放国之策,未雨绸缪要用心。 巩固国防非好战,民族复兴靠创新。 韬光养晦谋发展,绿水青山更富民。
How to spot a capitalist collaborator 精神资本家语录,你听过多少? With the end of the Lunar New Year, people all over China have trudged back to work. Struggling to overcome their so-called “holiday syndrome,” m
Here’s a character to borrow in hard times—but don’t forget to give it back 有借有還,再借不难 In 208, when general and strategist Zhou Yu (周瑜) of the Three Kingdoms period challenged his rival Zhuge Liang (
As violent juvenile crime rocks the headlines, China debates: How young is too young to lock up? 青少年犯罪案件頻发,入刑年龄该不该降至12岁? On the evening of October 29, 2020, after dinner and alcohol at a restaurant
China tries to improve coal mine safety with 5G “smart” technology 5G智能采礦能否为矿工安全保驾护航? Day and night, trucks loaded with coal rumble down the dusty road in the desert county of Shenmu, north Shaanxi
In a temple in the clouds, the ancient religion of Daoism tries adapting to the 21st century “我”在陜西擂鼓台当道士:古老的道教与崭新的时代 High in the clouds on Leigutai Mountain—known as “Shaanxi’s Little Wudang Mounta
On Lugu Lake, China’s last matrilineal culture is in chaotic transition 走進泸沽湖畔女儿国,揭开摩梭文化的神秘面纱 Gemu Mountain, the highest peak beside Lugu Lake, bears striking resemblance to the profile of a slumber
行走在家乡的路上 风景秀丽一片风光 一座座拔地而起的小洋房 默默看着全村老少 在活动广场舞蹈《自由飞翔》 心灵的翅膀 在秋的花枝上轻歌飞扬 突然觉得 四十年改革开放 家乡文山换了人间变了样 山在飘香,水在飘香 七乡变化在风雨中传扬 文山独特的三七药材 正在全球闪金光 百花吐艳的普者黑景区 变成流连忘返的天堂 农村热闹得像集市一样 人们的生活完全变了样 多少意气风
A discussion with Chinese-Malaysian filmmaker Lau Kek Huat on identity and truths in documentaries 紀录片里的身份与真实:对话马来西亚华裔导演廖克发 When Lau Kek Huat ticked the “filmmaking” box as his field of studies at N
改革开放浪潮涌,地覆天翻卷劲风。 两会承接十九大,中華崛起势如鸿。
开放开新四秩年,人民理想已超前。 和諧社会兴邦盛,建设家乡敬业坚。 科技标高新世纪,知识致富满田园。 东风鼓响征程号,大地逢春万里川。