A poet once said: “Vanity people only look at their own names. Glorious people are watching the cause of the motherland.” In fact, if you associate your name with your career, you might as well look at it. But in the final analysis, we should look at the cause. The real celebrities from ancient to modern times are based on their own real achievements and influences. These great celebrities themselves do not seek “a name for the universe,” and they have never sought the official or people’s appreciation with a single heart. They only use their own ingenuity and wisdom, even the fantastic ideas that the people do not understand and cannot tolerate, open up a new world for mankind, and their names are naturally immortal. So the best way to be a celebrity is to “capitalize” your own name and “capitalize” your own business. 1. What is the central argument of this passage? Summarized in a short language. (no more than 15 words)